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Watch The Full Episode: Plymouth Trout

After touring the property and learning its history, Chris Megan and Jimmy Fee spend the afternoon casting weighted streamers to big rainbow trout in front of a beautiful backdrop of 100 acres of pristine forests and natural spring-fed streams.

Watch The Full Episode: Bluewater Tuna

Following a 120-mile steam towards the continental shelf, Captain Johnny Walker tracks down a giant school of bigeye tuna during one of the best summers for bigeye in recent memory and gives host Chris Megan one of his most exciting trips of the season.

New England Sharks

With Great Whites just off the Outer Cape beaches attracting tourists year after year, Kevin Blinkoff and Chris Megan take a closer look at these apex predators as well as other shark species that swim just off the coast of the Northeast.

Nantucket Bluefish

The rips off the sandy bluffs of Nantucket swarm with big hungry bluefish blitzing on squid and Chris Megan and Captain Terry Nugent of Riptide Charters are on the scene.

New England Billfish

Hunting marlin on the troll during the day and dropping baits deep for swordfish at night, the crew experiences endless offshore action with tuna, mahi mahi, and sharks making appearances in addition to monster swordfish and marlin.