Fall Run Report: Long Island Striper Fishing
The bunker belt that spanned Long Island's western south shore attracted a fleet armed with flutter spoons and XL topwaters.
The bunker belt that spanned Long Island's western south shore attracted a fleet armed with flutter spoons and XL topwaters.
From early spring to late fall, we’re on the water in pursuit of the northern Atlantic’s most heralded inshore species, the striped bass.
Striper success has a different look at the end of the fall run.
Striper trolling so good, even a hook through the hand couldn't dampen spirits.
The Atlantic coastal states of Maine through Virginia have scheduled hearings to gather public input on Draft Addendum II to Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass.
Anglers who fished for striped bass are asked to provide information on their trips, including catch, effort, and striped bass lengths.
As temperatures drop and bass grow scarce, the fishermen tend to quit before the fish do.
"Should I stay or should I go?" - The Clash
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” - Thomas Bertram Lance
Autumn storms set the table for striped bass to go on a feeding frenzy before, during, and right after the front’s passage.