A Surfcaster’s Christmas
A poem by George R. Baldwin.
A poem by George R. Baldwin.
With an epic start to the 2023 Fall Run, Jimmy Fee heads to the Monmouth County shore to tackle 20- to 40-pound striped bass feasting on peanut bunker in the surf.
From early spring to late fall, we’re on the water in pursuit of the northern Atlantic’s most heralded inshore species, the striped bass.
Surf fishing with bunker chunks has become a lost art form among beach-based bass fishermen.
Break free from a vicious cycle of fishless trips by using a chess-player’s strategy.
As temperatures drop and bass grow scarce, the fishermen tend to quit before the fish do.
Resist the temptation to chase distant reports, and dial in your local waters.
"Should I stay or should I go?" - The Clash
Historically, the final days of the fall run find big southbound stripers feeding on Atlantic herring close to the beach.
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” - Thomas Bertram Lance