Striper Management: Emergency Action Explained with Mike Waine – On The Water Podcast #20

Season 20 Sponsors

Mike Waine, who specializes in Atlantic fishery issues for the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), joins Kevin to discuss the status of the striped bass stock and striped bass management, including the recent emergency action taken to reduce the slot limit to 1 fish at 28 to 31 inches.

13 on “Striper Management: Emergency Action Explained with Mike Waine – On The Water Podcast #20

  1. James Strasenburgh

    Do your managers from New England consider the tons of fish being eaten yearly by the grey seal. This protected species is a far greater danger to the striped bass than humans. The seal does not abide by the size or quantity rules.

  2. Kenneth T Woodhouse

    So am I correct in thinking that all of the East Coast states have the same slot size 28″ to 31″ guidelines ?
    Thank You.

  3. Fisnhunt

    Hey guys? Why is there NEVER any mention about the commercial guys? Dracula guarding the blood bank, aye?

    1. Tammy

      This is such a valid question you pose! Drag net fishing is ok????
      Let’s kill everything in sight !

  4. Carl

    What is the relative annual fishing mortality of commercial fishing vs recreational? Is illegal or foreign commercial fishing a factor? ? . Why was the emergency action only targeted at recreational fishing? Would more enforcement as a means of reducing fishing mortality be effective ?

  5. Jonathan Lash

    Very informative podcast. Thank you.
    Has there been any discussion of barbless hooks (barbs can easily be flattened with pliers) ? In addition to Stripers my other fishing passion is Atlantic salmon. The river I fish on most has gone to all catch and release with barbless single hook flies. The policy has not reduced fishing effort on the river, and the fisheries managers say it has reduced mortality.

  6. Jeff Woodring

    Great content and clarity on population and recent tightening of the slot.

    Why so little discussion on the commercial harvest #s and impact – including little understood by-catch?

    Note: dead discard is highest from bait fishing – deep mouth or gut hooks?

  7. Dan Feeney

    I believe Mike did a good job of explaining the emergency changes but is completely dodging the issues like commercial take, the complete failure to implement commercial circle hooks, and the facts about the commercial harvest being all breeder fish. Add to that the failures of marine fisheries properly regulate the food fish like menhaden and squid. The trawlers bycatch etc
    Marine fisheries is a joke and fully corrupt due to commercial interests. Its time we all got together and removed those who have been the problem and
    Re-allocated our precious resources. First is to the survivalof each species, second will be a fairand adequate limit to the recreational fishermen and third (last) any surplus mnus a buffer should be allocated to commercial interests.

  8. Dan Feeney

    I believe Mike did a good job of explaining the emergency changes is completely dodging the issues like commercial take, the complete failure to implement commercial circle hooks, and the facts about the commercial harvest being all breeder fish. Add to that the failures of marine fisheries properly regulate the food fish like menhaden and squid. The trawlers bycatch etc
    Marine fisheries is a joke and fully corrupt due to commercial interests. Its time we all got together and removed those who have been the problem and
    Re-allocated our precious resources. First is to the survivalof each species, second will be a fairand adequate limit to the recreational fishermen and third (last) any surplus mnus a buffer should be allocated to commercial interests.

  9. Bob canfield

    I have fished for stripers for decades using barbless hooks . Even gut hooked fish were easy to remove the hooks from. My two years experience with circle hooks is that at least half of the fish are gut hooked and it is impossible to remove the hook without over stressing the fish. Barbless is a way better way to go.

  10. Scott Stebbins

    I think a fishery in trouble like this needs regulation. People are going to hate me but at this point, the fact that commercial striper fishing exists at all is the most informative fact available to anyone who is truly interested in preserving the fishery for me and how I fish. Old Shore fishermen and their grandkids fishing should be first in your salvation efforts. I could care less if anyone is ever allowed to catch a striper from a boat again. LOL

  11. Scott A. Stebbins

    The emergency regulations were understood easily, great job. The rest of the word pile was just a distraction so the people with the most money get to continue to take the last of this resource.

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