Cape Cod’s Seal Problem

Striper anglers and seals continue to clash on Cape Cod and in a growing number of places in the Northeast.

Photo Credit: Wayne Davis,

“I grew up fishing the Cape and I’ve watched the seal population grow over the years and completely decimate surf fishing on the back beaches from Race Point to Nauset,” said Matt Perachio of Tighten Up Charters out of Provincetown. “Nobody’s fishing off those beaches anymore.”

“Ten years ago, we never saw seals, but now they’re everywhere,” said Willy Hatch, who’s been fishing the Cape and Islands for over 25 years as the captain of Machaca Charters in Falmouth. “They’re at Squibnocket Beach, Vineyard Sound, the Elizabeth Islands, Woods Hole, the Muskeget Channel. Often, the seals hear me anchor up and set up behind my boat. If I manage to hook a fish, a seal takes it right off my line. It gets worse every year as their population increases and their range expands.”

Mike “Boz” Bosley has fished the waters around the Cape for 40 years. For the last 10, he’s been out there every day since he started Dragonfly Sportfishing in Orleans. “The loudest complaints I hear about seals come from shore-based striper fishermen. I do see a big difference in the abundance of bass in their traditional habitats, like the shallower waters on the flats early in June on Cape Cod Bay and down on Monomoy all summer long. The fish don’t come in close anymore. The seals are right there on the beach.”

Monomoy Beach Seals
An abundance of gray seals lining the beach on Monomoy in August 2017. Pilot and photographer Wayne Davis, who has been taking aerial photos around the Cape for 48 years, notes that the number of seals on the Cape seems to have declined during the last two summers.

Buddy Vanderhoop, a member of the Wampanoag tribe of Aquinnah, has run Tomahawk Charters out of the Vineyard for 32 years. In the last five or six, he’s seen countless stripers taken off the line by seals. “They see fish struggling, so if I don’t get them in the boat quickly, they’re going to eat them. Once a seal breaks a fish off the line, it usually comes up to the surface and eats it—starting with the head—right in front of me.”

It’s a fact. The seal population in Massachusetts waters has increased dramatically over the last 10 years, and Cape Cod and the Islands are ground zero for a growing conflict between striper fishermen and seals. If you think reports of seals are exaggerated, just go to YouTube and search “seals Monomoy.” Look for a video shot by Aaron Knight from a plane that shows what looks from a distance like a dark bathtub ring on the sand near the edge of the water. A closer look reveals an unbroken line of thousands upon thousands of seals going on for miles.

So, what’s going on? Is the seal population ballooning out of control? Are the seals putting a dent in the striper biomass? Or are they just causing the fish to move elsewhere while fishermen mourn the loss of formerly productive fishing spots? And what can we learn from marine biologists studying the diet and behavior of the seal population? The best place to start is to put the current state of the seal/striper conflict into historical context.

Great White Shark Cape Cod
A shark gives chase to its quarry just beyond the breaking surf on Monomoy last November. That seal managed to make it safely to the beach. (Wayne Davis,

Seals Make a Comeback

Most fishermen are familiar with the remarkable comeback story of striped bass. Forty years ago, the striper fishery up and down the East Coast was in bad shape as a result of overfishing and industrial and agricultural pollution in the spawning waters of the Chesapeake Bay and the Hudson River. As Matt Perachio remembers, “In the early 80s, it was rare for anyone to catch even a small striper on the Cape. When someone did, we went to look at this fabled unicorn of a fish.”

It took the Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act of 1984, requiring all 15 states on the East Coast to comply with a stock management plan from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) and a moratorium on fishing in the Chesapeake to jumpstart the fishery. The late 1990s and early 2000s were the glory days of striper fishing, but in the last decade, striper landings have been trending downward as a result of overfishing and poor recruitment in the Chesapeake.

With the striper fishery already under threat, it’s no wonder “the seal problem” has intensified the frustrations of many anglers. But, while we rail against the seals, how many of us know the story of how these marine mammals rebounded from their own brush with oblivion? The gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) and the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) are the predominant species of seal found in Massachusetts waters. Both were extremely rare at the nadir of the striper fishery in the 1980s. It’s the gray seals—the bigger, horse-faced ones— that most frequently bedevil fishermen since harbor seals migrate north during the summer months. A male gray seal can measure up to 10 feet long and weigh well over 800 pounds.

Great White Shark Nauset Beach Attack
The booming seal population around the Cape and Islands has triggered an increase in the number of great white sharks in the area. One shark draws blood from its victim in five feet of water at the south end of Nauset Beach.

So many seals were bounty hunted (or “nuisance killed”) or were victims of bycatch by commercial fishers that by the mid-20th century, gray seals had been almost eliminated from U.S. waters. Some old-timers probably remember the days when someone could go into the town hall in Chatham and collect a $5 bounty per seal nose. They were called “seal buttons.” Despite this carnage, gray seals maintained a breeding population in Canadian waters, while just a few hundred harbor seals survived off the coast of Maine.

Massachusetts passed legislation to protect seals in 1965, but the big game-changer was the passage of the Marine Mammals Protection Act of 1972. According to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Act recognized that human activities were threatening marine mammals following “public outrage over the hundreds of thousands of dolphins killed in pursuit of tuna and the slaughter of baby seals for their fur.” The Act outlawed “hunting, killing, capture, and/or harassment of marine mammals” and placed a moratorium on import, export, and sale of any marine mammal or product derived from it. The blanket protection provided by this legislation is singularly responsible for the comeback of seals in Massachusetts waters, not to mention the protection and recovery of many whale and dolphin species, polar bears, walruses, sea otters, and manatees.

The research of marine biologist Stephanie Wood of the University of Massachusetts Boston confirms that the first gray seals to recolonize Massachusetts waters traveled south from the large breeding colony on Sable Island off the coast of Nova Scotia in the early 1990s. By the early 2000s, there was a growing pupping colony on Muskeget Island just west of Nantucket. That colony has continued to grow, while three other colonies have been established on Monomoy, Nomans Land, and Great Point on Nantucket. It’s difficult to estimate the population of gray seals in Massachusetts waters because of their peripatetic nature, but Jerry Moxley of the Duke University Marine Lab did an analysis of Google Earth images of Cape Cod in 2017 and concluded that the gray seal population on the Cape alone was between 30,000 and 50,000 seals.

Gray Seal
Gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) are the predominant species of seal found in Massachusetts waters during the summer months. This mature female (cow) on the left and male (bull) were photographed in the waters off Cape Cod. Male gray seals can exceed 10 feet in length and weigh over 800 pounds, while females are significantly smaller. Life expectancy is 25 – 35 years.

What Do Seals Eat?

Marine biologist Kristen Ampela’s 2009 Ph.D. thesis on the diet and foraging of grays seals is frequently cited in literature. Through scat analysis and necroscopies performed on the stomach contents of bycaught seals from commercial fishermen, Dr. Ampela concluded that 53 percent of the gray seal diet consists of sand lance (sand eel) and 29 percent from flounder, hake, and cod. Stripers barely showed up as a blip in her study, but that doesn’t mean seals won’t eat stripers. They are opportunistic predators and individual seals can show a great deal of variation from one another in their food choices. Dr. Ampela also acknowledges a problem with the data collection: a seal may kill a striper with a “belly bite,” but the striper’s bones won’t necessarily show up in a scat or stomach analysis.

Marjorie Lyssikatos, a NOAA research fishery biologist at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole, is currently studying seal diet, and her findings are generally in line with Dr. Ampela’s. While there is no evidence seals are targeting striped bass, she said that doesn’t mean they’ll turn down a meal, especially one served up to them by a fisherman with a thrashing striper on the line. That’s learned behavior. However, she doesn’t believe the consumption of striped bass by seals is a meaningful factor in the health of the biomass compared to poor recruitment and overfishing.

Blair Perkins has lived on Nantucket since 1963 and fished there his whole life. Since 1999, he’s run Shearwater Excursions, an eco-tourism business that offers a variety of cruises, including seal tours. “Seals may be pretty good at taking a striper off a hook and line,” he said, “but I’ve scuba-dived with the seals off Muskeget in the summertime and have seen them interacting with stripers. My observation is that the seals just aren’t fast or maneuverable enough to catch those fish.”

Striper Seal Cape Cod Canal - John Doble
A gray seal snatches a striped bass off a fisherman’s line in the Cape Cod Canal. Encounters with seals shadowing anglers have become more common in recent years.

So, maybe seals don’t eat that many stripers, but what’s eating the seals (cue music from Jaws). There is a direct correlation between the increasing abundance of seals on the Cape and Islands and the growing presence of great white sharks. Greg Skomal, senior fisheries scientist at the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) in New Bedford, has been studying sharks for over 35 years and heads up the Massachusetts Shark Research Program. The first reports of white sharks near the Cape began in the mid-2000s. “Seals were starting to be everywhere, and as fishermen began to take notice, so did the sharks. We were getting more reports each summer of dead seals on the beach with wounds that could only be attributed to white sharks. In 2009, I got a call from a spotter pilot who saw white sharks off the Outer Cape. It’s been a pretty steady increase since then.” Dr. Skomal oversees a program that captures sharks and tags them with accelerometers that detect their every movement. The program has tagged 238 white sharks to date, including 50 in 2019 alone.

Buddy Vanderhoop welcomes the arrival of the sharks. “When the great whites come through, you won’t see a seal for a couple of days. Lately, we’ve been seeing a lot of great whites and makos off Gay Head and the Elizabeth Islands.” It’s no wonder the seals welcome the safety of the beaches.

But, are the sharks putting a dent in the seal population? Probably not much of one. The biggest causes of seal mortality are diseases like distemper and gear entanglement from commercial fishing, especially gill-net fishermen who catch thousands of seals in their nets each year. They also catch and discard stripers as bycatch. Diogo Godoi, who runs Gorilla Tactics Sportfishing out of Brewster, told me, “I’ve seen pair trawlers gill-netting for herring off the backside of the Cape with miles of dead stripers coming off those boats.”

Gray Seals Chatham Harbor
Gray seals in Chatham Harbor. Note the monofilament line encircling the neck of the seal in the center of the photo. Gear entanglement, especially from commercial gill net fishing, is a major cause of seal mortality. The two seals with green flipper tags are part of an ongoing study into the health, diet, movements, and genetics of the seal population by NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center.

Pushing Stripers to Deeper Water

Seals don’t necessarily need to eat a lot of striped bass to have a major impact on the fishery. Kristen Ampela explained to me that a concept called “the ecology of fear” is gaining the attention of wildlife biologists. “It’s the presence of a predator—even just the smell—that will change the way the preyed-upon species behaves. In the case of stripers, there are plenty of reasons to avoid seals”… just as there are plenty of reasons for seals to avoid sharks.

Where do we see the most seals? Close to shore or on the beach. According to the charter captains I interviewed, there is general agreement that surfcasting for stripers has gone to pot in the last five or six years. No mystery there. “All the things that striped bass used to feed on close to shore—sand lances, baby fluke and flounder, sea robins—are being eaten by seals,” Matt Perachio told me. “So, there’s not much of a point for the stripers to even come into shore anymore. There’s still a huge biomass of stripers, but now it’s way offshore because the bait is out there.”

Gray Seal
This gray seal has become a regular at the Chatham Fish Pier, where it begs like a dog for scraps from local anglers.

“I feel like the sand eel population is a fraction of what it was when I started fishing the Cape,” Diogo Godoi told me. “I’m seeing schools of bass 20 to 30 miles offshore while I’m tuna fishing. It’s as if they’ve become oceanic. And, what are they doing out there? Finding the bait.”

A New Normal

The “seal problem” is an unintended consequence of the Marine Mammals Protection Act, which did incalculable good for some 125 species of marine mammals. No one is complaining that we now have too many whales or manatees. Kristen Ampela pointed out that the problem developed because both animals—stripers and seals—have been managed and now there’s frustration with the way one affects the other. “But, it’s all a function of how humans have managed wildlife.” As the seal population grows, the mammals have become habituated to the routines of striper fishermen. It’s a fact of life and unlikely to change, which means fishermen have had to adjust. It might seem trite to say it, but isn’t making adjustments the essence of fishing?

I think we need to take the long view here. There’s never been a “normal” where striper fishing is concerned. The fishery has been in a constant state of flux forever. The ASMFC only declared the fishery “recovered” in 1995. Recreational landings have been on a downward trend for a decade and recruitment levels in the Chesapeake have been alarmingly low three out of the last five years. We can’t hang those problems on the seals. As Mike Bosley put it, “In the last 10 years, I’ve seen absolutely atrocious predation of stripers, but it’s all been by people in boats.”

49 on “Cape Cod’s Seal Problem

  1. Paul Westcott

    Why are people allowed to make a statement like this “Diogo Godoi, who runs Gorilla Tactics Sportfishing out of Brewster, told me, “I’ve seen pair trawlers gill-netting for herring off the backside of the Cape with miles of dead stripers coming off those boats.” ? Wouldn’t it be better not to print anything, rather than an incredibly uninformed statement like that?

    1. Ed

      Obviously you’ve never seen a trawler up close or even a dragger. The bycatch that is thrown away is incredible. Follow a dragged or trawler emptying their nets. The carnage go’s on for miles.. Maybe you should educate yourself first.

      1. John

        Ed, Paul is making reference to the uninformed statement of “pair trawlers gill netting”. Just does not work like that. You trawl, pair or single boat, or you gill net. When we print statements like that, it shows a lack of understanding and discounts anything else in the article. No doubt, by catch can be an issue and the miles of dead stripers and other species in the great south channel floating on the surface can be a sad sight.

    2. Wade Whipple

      Diogo is one of the accomplished and dedicated fishermen on the cape I’ve ever met. Again, how could he possibly be “uninformed” if he’s out on the water every day and sees what’s happening first hand?

  2. mark

    Great article and photos. Its the partial re-birth of an ecosystem. Anyone that seriously tries to argue can start by explaining why the seals didn’t render bass extinct a thousand years ago.
    There is precious little sympathy for the whining meat fishermen hauling all the cows off to market for so long. You had your run.

    1. MOSES

      Mark, The seals did not render the Stripers extinct years ago is very easily explained. First the populations were both not harvested and were widely spread across a non-polluted ocean, 2nd, the fishing pressure began with non motorized ships and small nets. 3rd, then technology came into being and there was sonar and radar and miles of longlining and trawler nets. 4th, then more and more nations were able to spend weeks or months at sea fishing and processing specific species. So now you combine recreational, commercial, poaching and illegal harvesting on Striped Bass along with an exploding seal population, (which is now polluting beaches and estruaries), we have a crisis at hand. I do not say kill them all, but definitely kill a lot of them.

      1. Michael

        So basically you are saying that it is all the fault of humanity. You named fishermen, poachers, and apparently illegal harvesting which is literally poaching, combined with a large, yes, but not dangerously large population of seals. Seals are the natural cause, but they don’t actually eat stripers commonly as mentioned in the article. So why should we blame them for the problems we caused? Why do we get to decide we would rather have stripers than seals? Additionally, seals eat many other species of fish. Trying to change an ecosystem for ourselves would only result in exploding populations of bait, no fewer striper deaths from fishing, and a less healthy shark population. Bad idea.

  3. Jack

    Maybe this blurb could use more discussion? “The biggest causes of seal mortality are diseases like distemper and gear entanglement from commercial fishing, especially gill-net fishermen who catch thousands of seals in their nets each year. They also catch and discard stripers as bycatch. Diogo Godoi, who runs Gorilla Tactics Sportfishing out of Brewster, told me, “I’ve seen pair trawlers gill-netting for herring off the backside of the Cape with miles of dead stripers coming off those boats.”

  4. MOSES

    Seals should have a “seasonal” harvest to first dramatically reduce their populations and then to maintain the population so tourists can see them. There must be some food or nutritional value to seals and that should make it profitable to harvest. Cat/dog food? Feed for Chickens and poultry? I do not want to see carcasses washing up on shores and beaches.

    1. Dave Tottenham

      I agree If Polar Bears are Staving? We could Cull an alotted amount of Seal and ship that Harvest North too Feed Bears and Native Alaskans. Problem Solved!

  5. Phil

    This will turn into a case of reactive vs. proactive. Let’s let the population get so large that it begins collapsing certain ecosystems. Then the changes will begin. Makes no sense to me. Let us control the population just as we do with other land species.

    1. Michael

      The population is not large. There was a time when there were more seals than there are now. Was the ecosystem collapsed at that time? No. Diseases spread easier with more individuals, (example: COVID) so distemper will limit them more as they grow. Also, if there are more seals, there will be more sharks that control them.

    2. Liam

      The seal population is smaller than it used to be. The ecosystem did not collapse then, and it won’t collapse now. What land species do we control? Moose? Deer? No. Why not? Why should we control seals instead of them?

      1. Matt Walker

        We do control (well, manage) deer and moose through regulated hunting. Maine just increased their moose tag allotment in order to thin the herd to try and address the tick problem. I believe that by “control,” the fellow above meant manage by regulated harvest like we do other animals.

  6. APEX

    Fishermen and the pollution from people in the Susquehanna watershed kill more stripers than seals do. No one is talking about turning them into dog food. We should be focused on what we can actually change, our own behavior. Our practice of releasing little stripers and eating the breeders is upside down. Catch and release might be the only way to preserve or improve the sport. It works for wild trout and it might work for striped bass too. Anyone who can’t live without eating bass can buy a farm raised one any day of the week.

    1. Jon

      I’ve always thought this seemed backward. We’re harvesting all the breeders. That just seems idiotic to me. Plus we all know smaller fish taste better. IMO (which is worthless, just like everyone else’s here) we should have a slot size of 22″ – 27″ for keepers. Leave the rest to grow and breed. Commercial striper fishing targets even bigger fish. That needs to stop altogether! Tarpon aren’t legal to keep and that seems to work well in FL. I also think it’s a problem with the mentality of striper fishermen. Lots of poachers can do damage from shore, in the surf, or in the rivers or on pos little boats that barely float. When you get off shore just about everyone releases Marlins. Blues and Whites are commonly caught in the NE and everyone releases them. Why? Because they’re just so beautiful and there are plenty of other fish to catch that taste even better. Just like Stripers. Especially big Stripers. Ever have a tough, ropey, even rubbery filet from a big cow? Tastes awful! Even a 2 pound Bluefish tastes 10 times better! All that being said though, I think we should definitely cull the seals a bit. I agree 100% with the “proactive vs reactive” theory/comment.

  7. Geoffrey Day

    There appears to be a small market for processed Canadian seals. I believe the people of the First Nations (Native Americans) have rights to kill, process and sell seal products – just so long as the buyers are also Native Americans. Not sure if this is a big market or not, nor if this venture I learned of a decade ago has made any progress. The few Native Americans (which in theory have the same rights to harvest and sell) I spoke with here on Cape Cod expressed zero interest in getting involved in any type of harvest. I believe the big market is for seal oil which is supposedly rich in beneficial Omega oils that can be sold as nutritional supplements. I believe the venture I heard selling this idea said that a single seal could be worth one or more thousands of dollars, but the processing of the oils might require a significant investment. If anyone is interested, I might be able to track down more details. I always thought this might be a possible / significant form of supplemental income to US Native Americans.

    1. Cody

      Harvesting seals for seal oil rich in Omega 3 fatty acids is exactly the type of illogical thinking that causes ecosystems to be harmed by us humans. The richest source of Omega 3 comes from the source of Omega 3, which is algae and microalgae found. The positive biological effects from ingesting these oils is richest at the source and depletes with each level in the food chain. I highly imagine the process of extracting the oils is difficult because the seal does not naturally produce the oil rather ingests it from a source that fed on a source that feeds primarily on algae, etc.

  8. LOU


  9. Michael

    So basically you are saying that it is all the fault of humanity. You named fishermen, poachers, and apparently illegal harvesting which is literally poaching, combined with a large, yes, but not dangerously large population of seals. Seals are the natural cause, but they don’t actually eat stripers commonly as mentioned in the article. So why should we blame them for the problems we caused? Why do we get to decide we would rather have stripers than seals? Additionally, seals eat many other species of fish. Trying to change an ecosystem for ourselves would only result in exploding populations of bait, no fewer striper deaths from fishing, and a less healthy shark population. Bad idea.

    1. Van

      Hey Mike… Seals were practically extinct since the Seal Bounties ended in 1962. Stripers roamed close to shores and surf fishermen were having a ball. Fast forward 40 years, their numbers are back up. If any poachers are to blame it’s the 50,000 seals that storm the cape everyday with no intention to measure their kill.

  10. mark

    I’ve tasted seal meat in a variety of ways and it sucks no matter how you prepare it. It will never catch on in a culture that has not historically utilized marine mammals as food.

    1. Gene

      Any way you look at it seals are RATS of the sea and should be culled. You can smell their stink when they swim up to your boat begging for handouts. RATS

  11. Vince

    Better off catching glimpse beached whales on the Cape complaining to their 3 year old about feeding the seagulls.

  12. Drj.

    Too bad there wasn’t a way to introduce a pod of killer whales to the Monomoy buffet. Seals for everyone. Problem solved.

  13. JJJ

    Too bad there wasn’t a way to introduce a pod of killer whales to the Monomoy buffet. Seaals for eveyone. Problem solved.

  14. David M

    Very helpful research on the issue – thank you Jim Behnke and OTW for getting into this issue. A couple of observations if I may. 1) we have know idea what the historic stock/population of Grey and Harbor Seals were for the region as no reliable record, so what is “normal” or natural population of seals has no basis in fact 2) evidence of over predation by seals appears to exist in the bay areas as species lower in the food chain have significantly diminished during the last 10 years 3) Sharks get headlines but are not meaningful as it relates to seal population control -rather seal deaths due to excessive concentration abound – it is interesting that many comments refer to a symptom of over population i.e. pulmonary viruses and distemper and rather than the root cause. Same for the gill net argument – the seals are going were the fish are being concentrated in the nets not the other way around.
    How about a future where with careful husbandry we can roll up to a Sir Crickets in Orleans take off our seal skin coats and nosh on a blubber sandwich ..

  15. Nicky Fatz

    What is “poor recruitment?”
    It’s mentioned at least twice in reference to the Chesapeake Bay

  16. Greg

    Wanna make a difference? Eat the meat you catch/kill yourself, not the meat you buy. End industrial scale commercial fishing and industrial animal agriculture and our coastal fishing will dramatically improve.

  17. Vee Mann

    There’s too many seals! Period. There are too many seals. IF we had a balanced ecosystem, and our ecosystem has been wildly out of balance for at least 100 years, then allowing the natural populations to sort out their numbers would be fine. That is not the case. None of the species, not sea robins, not stripers, certainly not fluke & flounder & halibut & lobster, nor perhaps most importantly menhaden are anywhere near their historical levels and many are severely overfished (regardless of who and how they are being killed). Therefore, we cannot allow seal to proliferate without any intervention. Just as we need to manage forests, we need to manage all of our natural resources, including seals. When I was a kid (60’s & 70’s), it was rare to see a seal, it was even rarer to see a striper. With all due respect, it’s not about “blame” but rather a reasoned, logical perspective that our ecosystem is out of whack, and allowing any single species to overwhelm that unbalanced ecosystem only excerbates the problems for other species, whether stripers, sand eels, or menhaden.

  18. Bill henault

    Sell a 1000 tags a season for breeder males at 200 a pop money goes to woods hole for research..curb the herd ..just like deer season

  19. Michael Gagne

    Harvest seals on a open season. Just like deer-hunting, give out a lottery of permits to hunt seals. Helps keep the seal herd in check. Might be less great white sharks in the cape area.

  20. Bart

    More Seals = More Great Whites = More Shark Attacks = Economic Damage to Outer Cape . . . .

    . . . . If continues unchecked eventually the whole Cape

  21. Bart

    What odds does Vegas have for under/over shark attacks Summer 2021

  22. charlie

    The seals and the sharks have been protected for 50 years,so what did these genius biologists expect. They just keep eating and screwing and making more seals and sharks. Seals weigh around 200lbs,and they eat their weight in stripers and baby lobsters everydayx100,000 seals that is 20,000,000 lbs a day. They say about 200 white sharks are on the cape,they eat their weight daily too at a 1000lbs each. Thats another 200,000 lbs of lobster and gamefish everyday. Yet these imbeciles continue to blame the fishermen for ruining the fish stocks. And Komil is making a fortune selling stupid electric buoys to repel a 1000 lb shark.So when jaws is dragging your dead ass out to sea it can also have an electronic buoy and a 50lb bass in its mouth

    1. MSL

      Seals eat very few striped bass. Read the article. The information is not fabricated. The biologists are not making up stories. Seals do not eat their weight each day, nor do sharks. You are seriously untruthful or uninformed.

  23. Steve Winters

    And now Block Island is over run with these government seals. They know what’s best for us

  24. Mike Papalini

    We can only hope that a viscous disease kills off the entire seal population. I preferred it when there were no seals, the fishing was sure as sh!t better than it is now.

  25. Fran Parks

    The CC Chamber of Commerce wants to have a blue economy on the Cape. That includes fishing. Unless we get rid of the seals there will be not fishing. I have read the Australians are wondering where their Great Whites went. Guess?

  26. Randal Mello

    I work for the Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal and I see seals every morning in our patrol boat basin hunting striped bass, sometimes three or four seals. They come up with a striper in their mouth at least every 30-45 minutes. They most defiantly have the ability’s to catch them on their own.

  27. Joe Walters

    The blame for this is us – humans. Humans have decreased the biomass in the Atlantic Ocean. There are far fewer cod, hake, haddock, and flounder (their preferred food ) than 500 years ago. Because of us humans. Stripers head south in the fall. What do seals eat then. We humans need to improve the biomass and reduce polluting our planet. We caused the seals to pull stripers off our fishing lines. Blame ourselves not the seals. And i have been fishing for more than 60 years and have had seals rip bass off while reeling them in. But I don’t blame the seals.

  28. joel mofsenson

    I’m leaving for Cape in two days. Trying to decide whether or not to bring my surf casting rod with me. I think I’ll leave it at home. NOT HAPPY!!!

  29. roger de vore

    I was a lifeguard on Nauset Beach when it had the best surf on the eastern seaboard. We had no seals and no sharks and hot days a thousand people came to that cold water. We had a record high water temp for 50 years of 71 degrees. The beach was wiped out by a couple of big storms. sic transit gloria.

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